Entrepreneur India Magazine featured JAAGRUTI Waste Paper Recycling Services, along with its Co-founders

Entrepreneur India Magazine featured JAAGRUTI Waste Paper Recycling Services, along with its Co-founders

This Photograph (*Image credit: Entrepreneur India) features, amongst others, the Co-founders of JAAGRUTI Waste Paper Recycling Services: Vasudha Mehta (Seated in the Center) and Vivek Mehta (with the stack of newspapers loaded over his arm). It was published in the August 2017 Issue of Entrepreneur India magazine in an article titled, “These Business Enthusiasts are Cash-in On the Trash“. The link to the complete article can be read by clicking here. 

Excerpts from the article quoting Vivek Mehta, Co-founder of JAAGRUTI Waste Paper Recycling Services are shared below:

Very few companies in India give you end-to-end waste management solution by collecting your waste, recycling it and give you finished goods.  Similar business model is followed by Jaagruti, a company that solely deals in paper recycling and management. Vivek Mehta, Co-founder of Jaagruti, says, “As an environment conscious individual, I hated paper wastage that happened rampantly at the office where I was working previously. So I thought why don’t I recycle paper and manufacture finished stationary to sell.” For Mehta, the idea was always to re-use, if that’s a possibility. “We took the waste paper to a mill where it would be recycled and then we again give it back to our client as a finished fresh paper product. That is how the loop closes,” said Vivek Mehta, Co-founder of Jaagruti.

Our Interview with EUmIND Group of Bal Bharati Public School, GRH Marg

We at JAAGRUTI Waste Paper Recycling Services were interviewed by EUmIND Go Green Ecological Companies group from Bal Bharati Public School, GRH Marg. The link to the interview can be accessed on http://eumindgogreen15.weebly.com/bal-bharati-public-school-grh-ecological-companies.html. Screenshots of the interview on their Project website are shared below and the Video Interview with Vasudha Mehta, the Co-founder of JAAGRUTI Waste Paper Recycling Services, that the Team has uploaded on YouTube can be viewed as well.

Human Centred Design Thinking in Practice in Urban Waste Management: A Conference at UChicago Delhi Centre


Our Co-founder, Vasudha Mehta was one of the Speakers at “A Conference on HCD – Human Centered Design Thinking in Practice:Case Studies in Urban Waste Management” — which was held at the Uchicago Delhi Center and in line with the theme given to us, we shared with the audience, our story of setting up and scaling up JAAGRUTI Waste Paper Recycling Services across the three phases of adopting a Human Centered Design based approach – from INSPIRATION to IDEATION to IMPLEMENTATION.

As per IDEO.org:

Human-centered design is a creative approach to problem solving . It’s a process that starts with the people you’re designing for and ends with new solutions that are tailor-made to suit their needs. Human centered design is all about building a deep empathy with the people you’re designing for; generating tons of ideas; building a bunch of prototypes; sharing what you’ve made with the people you’re designing for; and eventually putting your innovative new solution out in the world. Human-centered design is a process that can be used across industries and sectors to approach any number of challenges—from product and service design to space or systems design, to name just a few



Video: JAAGRUTI Waste Paper Recycling Services featured on an episode of “Dharti” on Green TV

Video: Ms. Vasudha Mehta, Co-founder of JAAGRUTI speaking at the FIIB Sustainability Summit 2013

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FIIB Sustainability Summit 21 Feb 2013 (3)

Our work with Delhi Metro Rail Corporation

Our work with Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) was featured in the press nationwide recently. We have been working with DMRC since mid of 2015  and have been also engaged with confidential document destruction of their records. This photo above shows Vasudha Mehta, the Co-founder of JAAGRUTI Waste Paper Recycling Services handing over the Certificate of Recycling to the Controller of Stores at DMRC at an Environment Day related Function

Our work with Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) was featured in the press nationwide recently. We have been working with DMRC since mid of 2015 and have been also engaged with confidential document destruction of their records. This photo above shows Miss. Vasudha Mehta, the Co-founder of JAAGRUTI Waste Paper Recycling Services handing over the Certificate of Recycling to the Controller of Stores (CoS) at DMRC at an Environment Day related Function and the DMRC Controller of Stores proudly displaying the Notepad made of recycled paper.

Our work with C&S Electric Limited

Our work with C&S Electric Ltd., a company which is amongst the leading suppliers of electrical equipment  in India and is India's largest exporter of industrial switchgear

Our work with C&S Electric Ltd., a company which is amongst the leading suppliers of electrical equipment in India and is India’s largest exporter of industrial switchgear. We have been working with all their Delhi-NCR based production plants to recycle their waste paper for many years now, as part of the company’s CSR initiative.

We were covered in ‘Publico’, a Spanish Publication

Our Work at JAAGRUTI Waste Paper Recycling Services was covered in a Spanish Publication named ‘Publico’.


The English Translation of the story is shared below:

Recyclable paper for recycled paper

Given the low rate of recovery of paper in India, a small company proposes to return recycled paper in exchange for collecting paper that would end up burned or in the trash.

DELHI.- A cargo van awaits at the doors of a school in downtown Delhi. It does not come to supply but to take away. Textbooks, notebooks or notebooks whose destination would be the common rubbish bin have a new place to go: direct to the recycling factory. In exchange for the delivery, their owners will receive notebooks and paper sheets already recycled. And everything, without any cost.

In a city like Delhi, where almost the entire population throws organic and inorganic waste to the same place, this idea is at least novel. “For each kilo of paper that the client gives us, we, according to a previously agreed conversion table, return a quantity of recycled paper . It is not an economic exchange, but of products. “, says Vasudha Mehta, co-founder of Jaagruti, the young company that makes this service.

“We have a blog where we wrote a post about paper recycling and, suddenly, he started contacting us people asking how we could help them recycle.”

The idea arose almost out of necessity. Just over four years ago, Jaagruti was already a charity that worked both in the field of helping street animals and in the creation of alternatives for solid waste management. “We have a blog where we wrote a post about recycling paper and, suddenly, he started contacting us with people asking how we could help them recycle. That’s when we saw that maybe there would be a business opportunity for us, “explains Vasudha.

A few months later the work began. In December 2011 they accepted their first orders. They work with institutions or established companies that accumulate immense amounts of paper that ended up either in the trash or, if it is confidential documents, burned in a backyard. Jaagruti designed a healthier, more sustainable alternative that is beneficial for the environment “and for which they also get something in return”, says Vivek Mehta, the other pillar of the company, while we accompany him to one of the collections.

Jaagruti is responsible only for large quantities (the minimum collection is 300 kilos) provided by companies or institutions. “There is already a sector, although informal and disorganized, that collects paper in the houses.Our objective is not to occupy the position of someone who is already making a living , but to reach where it has not yet arrived, “explains Vasudha.

It refers to the so-called ragpickers and khabari-walla : the collectors who go door to door picking up all kinds of garbage and make up the start of a network of buying and selling recyclable material. It is estimated that, thanks to them, India generates 1.3 million tons per year of paper ready for recycling . But due to the laxity of the rules, it is an informal sector that escapes control: the material is lost in an endless number of intermediaries.

Creating awareness

Before the school, the Mehta siblings and their five workers have been in a large publishing house. Going through the corridors Vasudha happily points out the posters hanging on the wall where the benefits of recycling are explained. “The first times we came here those posters were not there , she says proudly as she sees the changes their presence has brought.

They warn that it is not just about earning a living with this, but above all to sensitize the Indian society about the need to recycle. “People are not really aware that paper can be recycled and reused: you have the idea that someone will pick it up from the trash and it will. Even if you have an awareness, you are unwilling to make an effort and worry. “

But the change is noticed and in its four years of existence, Jaagruti already has more than 200 regular clients. Their website and word of mouth is what has worked for them. “It’s not about convincing anyone, it’s about creating in this system but above all in the need to recycle to reuse the paper.”

They emphasize the importance of paper quality for better recycling: it should not be dirty, nor wet and of course free of moths. From the place of origin it is transported to a small warehouse where it will be ordered according to the type of paper and will wait until it has enough quantity to transport it to the recycling factory.

The last step

Before the sun is too hot, the trucks are already loaded. A total of 12,855 tons of newsprint and magazines leave the Jaagruti warehouse, and link their way to the outskirts of the Indian capital, where the recycling factory depot is located. The benefit of the Mehta brothers lies precisely in the money they receive from the plant for the delivery of paper.

“In Delhi, due to the amount of water that this type of industry needs, paper recycling is not allowed,” explains Vasudha. So the role that Vivek and his team is delivering today in the warehouse will reach the state of Punjab, northwest of the country, where it will be recycled and returned to Jaagruti in the form of notebooks or paper to print.

It is estimated that there are 550 plants in India that use waste paper as raw material to produce recycled paper, cardboard and newspaper. The data are diffuse, but according to the latest available published by the Indian Association of Paper Producers (IPMA) in 2011 the paper recovery ratio in India was between 20 and 27%, a very low level if compared with Germany (73%), Japan (60%), Europe (56%) or the United States (49%).

It is estimated that the Indian recycling factories import 4 million tons of paper ready for recycling per year.

In the absence of its own material, it is estimated that Indian recycling factories import 4 million tons of paper ready for recycling per year, according to the Ministry of Commerce and Industry. ” 80% of the paper we are dealing with comes from the United States, Europe and the Middle East,” confirms one of the workers at this recycling plant who prefers not to reveal his name.

The place does not stop arriving trucks that must go through the scales before being unloaded with patience by the group of men who work from sunrise to sunset . In about two weeks the Mehta brothers will receive the recycled paper they will return to their customers.

Do you need stronger laws in India that advocate recycling? Vasudha thinks a few seconds before answering that the responsibility is not only of the government but of Indian society as a whole. “It has been placed on the shoulders of the ragpickersthe job of separating recyclable products, the rest of the population disregarding that task, and that is because people have not yet understood that waste has value: recycling a product is saving on resources . 

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Delhi International Airport Limited’s (DIAL’s) Paper Recycling Initiative with ‘Jaagruti’ gets featured in the National Press

Delhi International Airport Limited’s Paper Recycling Initiative with ‘Jaagruti’ gets featured in the National Press on 2nd April, 2012

To read the Online version of this news story, please click here

Excerpt from this story is quoted below:

The Indira Gandhi International Airport here has initiated measures like using recycled papers at its premises in a bid to become a ‘green airport’. After putting in place some of the green initiatives like rainwater, use of natural lights and efforts to reduce emissions, the airport operator, Delhi International Airport Limited (DIAL), has now decided to use recycled papers in its offices. For this, DIAL has entered into an agreement with an NGO ‘Jaagruti’, which will recycle the waste paper generated in its offices and get the notepads or A4 sheet made from the recycled paper.

 “The collected waste paper would be systematically graded and transported to the recycling mill. There it would be processed to make different quality of recycled paper by using Elemental Chlorine Free (ECF) bleaching technology,” a DIAL spokesperson said.

 This would save 17 trees, 26,281 litres of water, 264 kg of air pollution, 1,752 litres of oil, 4077 KW hours of energy, 82.62 cubic feet of landfill space, he claimed. As a part of the initiative, DIAL shared one tonne of paper waste for recycling to Jaagruti. “DIAL is committed to conducting its business in an environment-friendly and sustainable manner at IGI airport by minimising the impact of our activities on the environment and community. Environment Management is an integral part of our business strategy towards achieving credibility and business sustainability,” DIAL CEO I Prabhakar Rao said.

If you or the organisation you work with want to associate with ‘Jaagruti Waste Paper Recycling Services’ to recycle your waste paper, please contact us by calling us on +91-98101 91625 or writing to us on paper@we-recycle.org with a cc to contact@jaagruti.org